Depth First Search (DFS)

Depth-First search and Breadth-First search are search algorithms that help us traversing trees and graphs. We can use these algorithms to solve complex problems such as maze solving, maze generation, …
Here I will explain how both these algorithms work and how their pseudocode works for the tree version and the graph version.
Note that all the implementations are based on C++ but have pieces that are pseudocode. These pieces are the ones that have to be filled in when programming these algorithms.
Depth First Search (DFS)
- Start from the root node
- Visit the children of the root node
- Now visit the children of these children
- Repeat 2 for the child node.
void DFS(node root_node) {
if (root_node.right) {
if (root_node.left) {
// Do something with the key of the node
- Mark every node as unvisited
- Pick a random node and get it's neighbours
- For every unvisited neighbour repeat step 2
- Do this till we visited them all
void DFS(int amount_of_nodes) {
// Set all nodes as undiscovered
vector discovered(amount_of_nodes, false);
// Go through every node
for (int i = 0; i < amount_of_nodes; i++) {
if (!discovered[i]) {
DFS_process_node(discovered, i);
void DFS_process_node(vector &discovered, int node) {
// Set node as discovered
discovered[node] = true;
// Now go through it's neighbours
for (neighbour i in neighbours of node) {
if (!discovered[i]) {
DFS_process_node(discovered, i);
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