Depth First Search (DFS)

Depth-First search and Breadth-First search are search algorithms that help us traversing trees and graphs. We can use these algorithms to solve complex problems such as maze solving, maze generation, …

Here I will explain how both these algorithms work and how their pseudocode works for the tree version and the graph version.

Note that all the implementations are based on C++ but have pieces that are pseudocode. These pieces are the ones that have to be filled in when programming these algorithms.

Depth First Search (DFS)



  1. Start from the root node
  2. Visit the children of the root node
  3. Now visit the children of these children
  4. Repeat 2 for the child node.


void DFS(node root_node) {
  if (root_node.right) {

  if (root_node.left) {

  // Do something with the key of the node



  1. Mark every node as unvisited
  2. Pick a random node and get it's neighbours
  3. For every unvisited neighbour repeat step 2
  4. Do this till we visited them all


void DFS(int amount_of_nodes) {
  // Set all nodes as undiscovered
  vector discovered(amount_of_nodes, false);

  // Go through every node
  for (int i = 0; i < amount_of_nodes; i++) {
    if (!discovered[i]) {
      DFS_process_node(discovered, i);

void DFS_process_node(vector &discovered, int node) {
  // Set node as discovered
  discovered[node] = true;

  // Now go through it's neighbours
  for (neighbour i in neighbours of node) {
    if (!discovered[i]) {
      DFS_process_node(discovered, i);